Connecting qualified, passionate people with a fulfilling career in the
manufacturing industry is a responsibility that Sentry Equipment & Erectors,
Inc. does not take lightly. That’s why we jumped at the opportunity to partner
with Virginia’s Community Colleges to become a G3 Ambassador — a
partnership that has allowed our business to support community college
graduates in tangible ways while simultaneously taking our business to new,
exciting heights.
The G3 Business Ambassador program works to connect businesses directly
with their local community colleges to cultivate and nurture best-in-class
workforce talent and ensure that students land in jobs and receive
family-sustaining wages upon graduation.
We’ve had the honor of helping Central Virginia Community College elevate
the profile of its career opportunities, and in turn, have had the unique
privilege of working with some of the most talented workers in our region.
The talent here in Bedford County makes for a highly-competitive pipeline of
candidates and here at Sentry Equipment & Erectors, we pride ourselves on
ensuring that our hires receive only the best in benefits, work culture, and
competitive wages. We’ve hired well over 100 CVCC students over the years
and only plan to hire more in the years to come.
This Labor Day we celebrate the contributions and achievements of our
skilled workers — who without, we would be nothing. Today and every day we
thank you.